Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Christmas in July - Eduardo and Chelsea's Short Story is available!

As the sun is about to melt us into the pavement, celebrate the upcoming cool weather with Chelsea's Stinging Christmas: A Short Spanking Story. Chelsea and MMA fighter Eduardo first met in Disciplined by Nick: Romantic Discipline Book Two. The couple, now engaged, enjoy living together, looking forward to the holidays, when Eduardo will don a Santa Suit for his nieces and nephews.

Chelsea loves the fun spankings Eduardo gives her, but when memories resurface of a time when she deserved a true punishment, will her strong fiancee be able to administer the strict discipline she needs to let her guilty memories go? Find out in Chelsea's Stinging Christmas, now available.

A standalone novella in the Romantic Discipline world involving Sabrina's friend Debi Gold will be available next month. I'm hard at work on the spin off series, beginning with Brian's tale.

New Mailing List and Website

I hope you all are having a wonderful summer. Just to let you know, this blog's "follow by email" feature is going away starti...