Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Brand-New Series - Sunset Cafe Discipline - Has Begun!

Shane, Molly, and Brendan O'Brien have a cousin, FBI agent Brian Moynihan. Brian's disciplinary romance with songwriter Talia Levy gets its own book, Taking Talia In Hand: Sunset Cafe Discipline Book One, now available. This series will consist of stand-alone romances that have one thing in common: a brand-new coffee house in Brooklyn, the Sunset B Cafe.

In Taking Talia In Hand, find out what happens when a grieving coffee shop worker/songwriter interferes with the investigation of the murder of her  roommate, which happens to be performed by Brian. He doesn't take kindly to the interference, but will he lose his heart to Talia, even if she puts herself in danger and earns a darn good spanking while doing so? Find out in Taking Talia In Hand.

Interspersed with the new Sunset Cafe series will be another new series, this one set in the wayback, when victory rolls and phonographs abound. Look for the first entry in that series towards the end of next month.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Loved Taking Talia in Hand! Do you have an approximate date that Victor's story will be out? Thanks!

    1. Thanks so much! Victor's story should be released mid-December. The next release, which is coming up this week, is from another new series set in the 1940s that will be interspersed with the Cafe series. :)


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